Life Coaching in London with Simon Tolson 
What Happens in a Coaching Session
Are you one of those people who believe their future is already mapped out? Is it written in stone? Or have you complete free will? Whatever you believe about your capacity to shape the future, you actually have much more choice in how you create it than you might think. Within a coaching session you will be asked many questions and given many techniques both to answer these questions and to change your current life.

What Questions do you ask yourself?
If you could have anything in life, what would it be? If you were living your ideal life, what would you be doing? What does success mean to you - not to society or your friends and family but to you? What single thing would make you truly happy? By becoming more aware of what you truly desire and how to fulfil that desire involves getting to know yourself better. Within a life coaching session you are constantly asked questions and directed to move forward in life.

Desire is the starting point of all achievement - not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything. Napoleon Hill (1883-1970) pioneer in the field of personal development.
Have you ever thought that there may be much more to your life than you are experiencing right now? If and when you doubt your ability to make decisions about your own well-being and happiness you fail to thrive and are left feeling despondent and powerless.

To be authentic is to be your own author and discover your own intrinsic nature, abilities, desires, and then find your way of acting on them.
In Chinese language the words 'crises' and 'opportunities' are the same. This is a fascinating concept and suggests that every challenge you encounter contains a powerful opportunity to grow beyond your current mind set and circumstances. Opportunities can present themselves in mysterious guises or unexpected ways.
Every day you make choices - so make choices that empower you, enhance your energy and self-belief. Choose how to think, how to talk to yourself and to others. Patanjali Yoga Sutras - your destiny isn't a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice. It's not something you wait for, but rather something you achieve with effort. Never give up on your dreams. You do have the power to make them a reality.